Tuesday, April 26, 2011


ARgh!! Well, it is a start. I drag boxes to the room, empty boxes and then try to put stuff away.
The display case is already overflowing.
The hutch is about to fall through the floor!! My son is amazed and bit worried at the amount of stuff I have to put away. Things keep moving around and it will be okay. Tonight I have to stop. I can't do any more. My back is screaming and I am tired right out. I can't find my over dyed flosses (which were in shoe boxes) and there are too many books. I will try again tomorrow.


Kathy said...

It will all get done eventually and you will love it once it is all in it's place!

Jeanne said...

You need another hutch in the spare room to handle the overflow LOL!!!!
Suddenly that room doesn't look so large!

Christine said...

Wow ~ What an incredible room you have created for yourself! Congratulations!