Today the mail man brought me a surprise all the way from the Netherlands. My dear friend, Lilian, made me this lovely needleroll. She was just playing around with different stitches and this is what she came up with. She is an amazing stitcher and I admire her work. Thank you so much dear friend. You gave me a smile for the day and I will smile each time I see this treasure that you have sent to me. Purple, of course, because she knows me so well. I love the yellow as it adds a bit of brightness. I feel so loved.
While on our recent trip, I made two more bottle covers. Another friend will be receiving these. I am just a busy gal making things to send out. It does make me feel better. It is important to think of others and put goodness and kindness out there in the world.
You certainly do put goodness and kindness out there, Taffy. I have been the happy recipient of much of it, and I can't tell you how much each bit of it is appreciated. Lilian's gift is wonderful, and she couldn't have made it for a more deserving person. It's a beautiful needleroll and I know you will treasure it not only for it's beauty, but because it was given with love and thoughtfulness during a time of worry, stress and hardship. A gift of love is always welcome.
What a lovely gift. Thanks for sharing. It brightened my day as well.
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