Monday, May 6, 2013

Better Day with some stitching

I am closing in on getting Part Two done on this Blue Ribbon Design Blue Jeans and Daisies project.  Thank you to all that wrote with supportive comments and concerns.  I am doing okay.  This stage of my life is the toughest I have ever had to encounter.  I do fine some times. I do okay most of the time.  Then there are days....  I suppose it is all normal.  I am stitching whenever I can.  I am trying to reorganize my house.  I am also reading some books.  I keep busy.  Today it was paperwork (my new hobby) time and then some shopping.  I hope to stay home tomorrow and do some stitching. 

1 comment:

Alinda (McNibbler) said...

Know that all of us are here with you and support you. Cyber hugs to you. Keep up the beautiful stitching.