Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Autumn in the Village by Stoney Creek - done

Technically this was finished in 2013.  It will be my first finish for the year.  I was close last night with only the roof of the needle work shop, the lamp post and the pumpkin cart to be completed.  I just couldn't do it.  So I got up this morning and finished it in a few hours.

I thought some close up photos might be in order.  There is a ton of back stitching on this project.  It does make it look amazing but really  - - it was a lot of work.
I so very happy to have this one done.  I started looking around for what to start next.  I am currently involved in six (count them six) series projects and two afghans.  What was I thinking?  Anyway - I need to get working on so many different things.  This project took forever but when I look back at it, it have also been doing Christmas presents and all kinds of other things. 

Happy New Year everyone.  I hope and pray that this year is better than last year.


kimstitch3 said...

Looks perfect.Lovely finish

Virpi said...

I'm so happy for you. It looks so pretty!

Linda said...

Hi Taffy. I just found your blog and became a follower. Congrats on the finish. What a stunning piece. I love it.

If you have time, come by my blog:

Ann said...

Hi Taffy,
First of all I want to wish you and your family a happy 2013 with the prospect of winning the battle with this ugly disease!
Congrats on finishing the Autumn Street! It really looks amazing (I also detest backstitching ;-)
Have a nice weekend!

♥GiuGiu♥ said...

I love it !!!