Thursday, August 29, 2013

Remember what I started yesterday?

I finished the biscornu today!!!  I just put it together.  I also worked on doing the prep for the other two pieces for this set.  I was so pleased with this that I had to take a photo of the whole group so far.

Box, scissors sheath and biscornu - - so far!!!


S in DE said...

Gorgeous! Beautiful work.

Jeanne said...

Beautiful! You must have had a really good day for stitching.
It's still stinking hot here!

Janice said...

It looks great, Taffy!

Terri said...

Great job!! I still have the ruler sheath and the scissors fob to do. Need to get busy! can't wait to see yours!

Kay said...

Wow!! I can't imagine the work that went into that, lots of handwashing too to keep it all clean.