Monday, July 28, 2014

I have lost count!

I have been stitching eyelets - over and over and over again.  I have lost track of how many I have done.  Both borders have eyelets all the way around - done.  Then the four corner blocks have eyelets every other block. Those are done.  Now I am doing the hearts which all surrounded by eyelets and there are 13 hearts.  Then the middle is full of eyelets.  I will be doing eyelets for quite some time.  I may have to find something with some color for a distraction.  Here are some photos.


llknbillburg said...

Gorgeous!! Laura

chickenchupacabra said...

Wow! That looks beautiful . . . yeah, I would definitely have needed a "color distraction" before you did. :)

Maggee said...

Wow--that is quite the piece! It is going to be beautiful. Worth the time and patience I imagine. Hugs!

Jeanne said...

You have much more patience than I do.........all that white....beautiful!