Sunday, June 2, 2013

Pretty front garden and some work on an old project

The flowers are doing great.  It was a pretty day when I took that.  Since then it has been so hot and humid - ugly stuff.... it brings memories of St. Louis weather.  Now we are having thunder storms and cooler weather is promised.  Thank Goodness.

Victoria Sampler's Love is Patient...  I was working on this when Jack became so ill.  It was more than I could concentrate on at the time.  I pulled it out just the other day and now I have three bands done.  There is hope. 

1 comment:

Mary said...

Your garden is looking good, Taffy.
The weather here has been the same heat and humidity but relief is in sight.

Love is Patient is a beautiful piece and you have made good progress. Looking forward to seeing it finished.
Have a good week ahead filled with happy stitch time!