Thursday, May 10, 2012

Gentle Stitches #2 and some finishing work

I have made some progress.  The numbers are done and I almost done with the little scissors.  I am not enjoying those little scissors.  Grr.  I am ready to move on.

This morning I did some work on the 'framing' of this piece.  I did a four sided stitch around the picture on Monday.  Today I counted out from there and pulled threads, rewove threads and then prepped it for hemstitching.  I think it will work out fine.  I also want to say that I used my new wooden 'Presser' to assist with this project.  I worked out really well.  It is a firm edge to press fabric where you would have 'finger pressed' in the past.  It really does a good job.

DH is doing well.  I am surprised.  This is the third chemo treatment.  In the past, Thursday was a very bad day but this time is not as bad.  I am not sure what is working, but we will take it. 


viv said...

Love all your finishes and the new start. Know what you mean about the "finishing"...I have a drawer full of finished stitching waiting for "finishing".

blue star stitcher said...

I really like the border you put around Chicken Stitchin, good idea for the piece.