Saturday, September 5, 2009

Winter Sampler Framed

I received this back from the framer. I think it looks great. It goes with it's fellow seasonal guys. The photo doesn't do them justice.


omashee aka Barb said...

Beautiful! Well done, Taffy!

Joy said...

Your stitching just amazes me! I enjoy visiting your blog!

Anonymous said...

beautiful stitching and the frame is perfect for this piece
they look great hung together

Anonymous said...

Taffy I assume these are kits? I have loads of LHN charts and hadn't came across these ones, still looking for them

Anonymous said...

There are thread packs from LHN. I believe they used silks by Crescent Colours. I only have winter left - - someone must have purchased the other three charts. Taffy

kimstitch3 said...

looks great Taffy. I'm looking forward to finishing up autumn sampler so I can start on winter sampler. You are inspiring me to get off my hindquarters and stitch

Anonymous said...

thanks for the information Taffy, now I know what I'm looking for :)