Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gingerbread Man

Well, it was packing day around here.  I am sort of ready.  I did want to finish this one and move on to a 'travel project'.  This is going to make a really cute cracker.  Tomorrow a friend and I head to NH for a stitching festival.  This will be her first festival.  We should have a good time.  I am hoping that all is well at home.  It feels strange to be going right now.  I know I will worry but I am hoping that the festival keeps my mind focused on stitching, unless I really do have to come back home. 


Vicki said...

Hope you're able to relax while you're away. I'll be praying for a safe trip for you and for your husband's health while you're away.

Anonymous said...

Wow- this is the cutest of all of them. Have a great time and relax. We are all wishing the best for DH, Nancy

Barbara said...

Hope you have a great time Taffy and as always, keeping good thoughts for your husband.